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Jiangyin Wanling Factory
Production of spices, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and food machinery
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  江阴万菱工厂位于长泾镇,东连上海,南接苏州,北临长江,位于素有“黄金通道”之称的沪宁高速公路出口处,水陆交通十分便利。我厂自有专业托盘干燥机生产香料、制药、化工、食品机械。如预洗、切割、粉碎、细磨、混合、干燥、筛分、制粒、包装、灌装、压片、包衣机等。nveyer 等系列。同时,为了扩大我们的市场,我们开设了自己的贸易公司,专门根据客户的要求设计定制的机器生产线。欢迎广大客户亲临或视频来电垂询、订购产品!
Company Profile
Company Name: Jiangyin Wanling Factory
Company Type: Enterprise (Manufacturer)
Area: East Asia/China(Mainland)
Employee : 100-499 people
Registered Capital: 500 Ten thousandUSD
Year Established: 2001
Data certification:
Credit guarantee: Already paid $0.00 USD
Business model: Manufacturer
Business scope: Production of spices, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and food machinery
Sales of products: WLS Vertical Type Root Coarse Crusher
Procurement of products: WLS Vertical Type Root Coarse Crusher
Machinery Machinery / Crushing & Culling Machine
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